Sunday, December 27, 2009


heelloo! I gt in Deyi Secondary.. XD
Th band vry gd, bt dk which band to chuse... Either Military or Symphonic..
tmr goin KK Hospital for check-up...
nowadays boring uh... boredd... ):

Friday, December 18, 2009


Hey, juz came bck frm korea a few days ago.. Korea was great =D
Cannot post pic lo.. Dk wad happen to th camera or th memory card....
Sadded... T.T wad am i gonna do..??!! ]=

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Juz some random photos...

Monday, December 7, 2009

watched new moon

2dae watch-ed new moon wif frens...
b4 movie go eat mac.
dhen go timezone take neo print =D
th movie start at 1.30pm....
aft th movie go buy lolli (:
so mani tings happen aft th movie..
bt lazy to post...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

hey. long time nvr update. On 29 nov , went out wif family, grandparents for hari raya haji (:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

tmr is th day..
my psle results will b out tmr..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2day games day!!!
woohoo!!! my team 2nd :]
final score was 8-11.
ahhh...soo sad.. my team lose..
bt nvm, still gt prize.
yay!! tmr grad. party =D
cant w8... :DDDDD

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2dae went cwp wif diyana :)
she's late for more than 20mins sia...
dhen... finally she cum.
go buy movie tickets 1st.
we both go watch " my girlfriend is an agent".
since th movie havent start, we go timezone take neo.
saw claudia & qixuan. Dhen 3.05pm quickly go buy popcorn.
aft tat.. we quickly go find our seats..
th movie veri funi.. feel lik watchin agn. :D
dhen go hme.. along th way, saw hiuyu.. (:
we tok2... say bb dhen go hme...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ytd went out wif diyana, nabilah, gilyn, hiu yu, hiu shan, haqeem, roystein, daniel :DDD
went timezone.. took neo 2 times :]
took mini rider wif nabilah... so fun!!!!
play-ed othr games too..
den abt 4pm, go civic centre mac..
aft tat went timezone again... :DDDDD
continue-d playin... den gilyn n nabilah nid go hme.. D:
den.. hui yu, hiu shan, daniel dk go whr..
den me n diyana wanted to plae guitar heroes..
our card gt no $..
ask haqeem for hes card..
den hes card gt prob...sooo, in th end..nvr play guitar lorr..
den bought buble tea b4 goin hme (:
at hme.. chatted wif diyana, nabilah, gilyn n haqeem..
aft tat go slp lorh...

our neo print (:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2dae was Gilyn's bdae.
she celebrated her bdae by goin out wif haqeem & me.
1st, we went to diyana's hse to pass her present.
den went to my hse cuz i 4gt to bring ezlink card..
aft tat, went to minimart buy stuff =D
dhen, we go peishan hse dk 4 wad..
aft 15mins, we go cwp.
otw ther, haqeem sae he cnnt go yishun watch movie..
chang-d our plan. soo, we onli go cwp.
went timezone (:
play-d sum games...
dhen haqeem went hme..
soo, left me & gilyn lorh..
we walk2... go shop..
went library .. read sum baby bks :D
gilyn's mie call-d her.. she nid go ... :(
left me onli... ]:
b4 goin hme bought double choc frappe at mac.
dhen i went hme lorh...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hari Raya wif friends on 13/10/09

Sunday, August 9, 2009

hapi bdae s'pore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DD
went escape theme park 2dae..
so much fun :)))
took rides so mani times till d person
noe :]
nw doin hmwk...havent finish... :(
must hurri do hmwk, so cn sleep...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

hapi bday to me!!!
waa, 2day received lots of birthday messages
birthday kena scoldin.. :(
bought cake :D yum2
watch-ed boys over flowers!!!
ji hoo soo cute!!!!
k larh, bb.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

feel so bored ryte nw.
anw, tmr me bday:D
wish me hapi bday hor..
peishan, diyana & me had so much fun singin
songs at sku. lol. :)
dont forgt tag me hor.
my tagbox damn empty.